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New Releases

The Many Lives of Barry Humphries
by Rowan Dean

Rock n Roll Gallery
by Tony Mott

The Bonobo Gene
by Steve Marshall

Olivia: Grace and Gratitude
by Miranda Young

Pride without Prejudice
by Beverley Pinder

What Every Property Investor Needs to Know about Finance, Tax and the Law
by Michael Yardney, Ken Raiss

The Bull
by Ken Piesse

Isla's Song
by Darren Mort

by Sam Harvey

Double Trouble
by Geoff Wilkinson and Ross Brundrett

Coming Soon

The Fortune Tellers
by Damon Kitney

Spider Wars
by Gina Newton and illustrated by Nandina Vines

Book of the Month - ISLA'S SONG

Melbourne, Australia, 1955. A four-year old child, Isla, is seated at a piano. She digs out her scrunched sheet music from her school bag, flattens it out and places it before her. She looks about an unfamiliar room, where windows frame the wild unforgiving landscape of the Orkney Islands, before resting her tiny fingers on the old upright keyboard.

Little did Isla or her father know of her mother ’s secret to abduct Isla from her home, her friends, family and everything that made her feel loved and secure.

Isla’s Song, set in the heady folk music days of the 60s, is a story of choices, betrayal, love, stardom, eternal hopes and a child’s love.

From one act of kidnapping, a little girl reveals to us how the gift of music and a commitment to manifest can really make dreams come true.

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